Senior Scholar at IES-Europe
Douglas B. Rasmussen is Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University in NYC. Among the books he has co-authored (with Douglas J. Den Uyl) are: Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order (1991); Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics (2006); and The Perfectionist Turn: From Metanorms to Metaethics (2016). He has authored numerous articles in many scholarly anthologies and in such journals as: the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly; American Philosophical Quarterly; International Philosophical Quarterly; The New Scholasticism; The Personalist; Public Affairs Quarterly; Social Philosophy & Policy; The Review of Metaphysics; and The Thomist. He has served on the Steering Committee of the Ayn Rand Society and as a member of Executive Council of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. He is co-editor (with Den Uyl) of The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand (1984). His areas of research interest are epistemology, ontology, ethics, and political philosophy as well as the moral foundations of capitalism.