Hervé Novelli

Hervé Novelli is a former Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts and SMEs in the Fillon government. He is the originator of the self-employed status. During a long political career, which began in 1989, he held several mandates: municipal councilor of the city of Richelieu, then MP for Indre-et-Loire, from 1993 to 1997 and from 2002 to 2012. In 1999, he sat in the European Parliament and held several local mandates: Vice-President of the General Council of Indre-et-Loire from 1997-2001 / Regional Councilor of the Centre Region (2004-2007 / 2010-2015). He was Mayor of Richelieu from 2008 to 2020. In 2007, he was appointed Secretary of State for Business and Foreign Trade, then Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts, SMEs, Tourism, Services and Consumption. He was then at the origin of the status of self-entrepreneur, and the status of Individual Enterprise with Limited Liability (EIRL). Currently Senior Advisor at Atream. In 2024, he was tasked by David Lisnard with piloting the “New Energy” project.

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