Since 1978, the University of Aix-Marseille hosts a Summer University open to a wide audience of students and indeed to anyone interested in political economy, law and political philosophy, particularly seen from a classical liberal angle.
This meeting was first annual and, since 2010, has become biennial. The last Summer University took place in July 2016.
This meeting was also essentially francophone when it started and, thanks to IES-Europe, it became throughout the years the place where “freedom lovers” and “freedom scholars” would meet and debate old and contemporary issues regardless of their country or continent of residence. The place to be in August!
An audience of approximately 150 people is planned for this 2019 edition.
Theme of the 2019 Edition
Thirty years ago, the Berlin Wall was finally erased from our cards. An era of freedom was opening up for Europe, which seemed to follow in the footsteps of a more global movement, since Asia also seemed ready to turn the page of a time when freedom was repressed in many ways. Thirty years later, where are we? What were the successes and what were the failures? What did we learn? Why do some countries have better benefited from these new opportunities? Finding answers to these questions is essential to invent the road that will allow us to meet the new challenges – something we will also discuss during these days of work. To answer these questions, economists, lawyers, philosophers from around the world will share their analyzes.
This summer university is an opportunity to meet and share in an atmosphere of openness and relaxation. Sessions are built on a “TED” format: a speaker presents his analysis for about twenty minutes and the presentation is followed by a discussion with the audience. There are also thematic workshops to promote interactions.
If the working language for the mornings is mainly English and a simultaneous translation from English to French (or the reverse when necessary) will be available. In the afternoon there is no simultaneous translation but parallel sessions in English or in French. Lunches and dinners are taken together so that the discussion can continue in a relaxed way in these moments of conviviality.
Participants are offered access to accommodation on university campus at very affordable rates. A large selection of hotels is also available in Aix-en-Provence.
The festive character of this Summer University is reflected in evening concerts offered to the participants.
The Faculty of Law and Political Science from the Aix -Marseille University is going to be the host of our event.
The Summer University will be organized by the Institute for Economic Studies-Europe whose President, Pierre Garello, is a Professor at the Aix-Marseille University.
Dates & Location
Participants will be arriving in Aix-en-Provence on August 18th and will attend the Opening Dinner at the Aquabella Hotel.
The sessions will start on Monday morning (August 19th) and will end on Wednesday evening (August 21st).
The sessions and the breakfast meals will take place at the Faculty of Law on 3 Avenue Robert Schuman.