Philippe Nemo is a professor of political and social philosophy and historian of French political ideas at ESCP Europe. His fields of research range from liberalism, in particular Friedrich Hayek, of which he is the main French specialist, to the history of political ideas, the idea of the West and the republican idea. He has also published studies on the problem of education and contemporary pedagogy. He contributes to numerous French and foreign journals and has collaborated in many collective works. Among the many works he has published, some of which have been translated into several languages, are: Job et l’excès du mal (Job and theExcess of Evil), La société de droit selon F. A. Hayek (The Lawful Society According to F.A. Hayek), Le Chaos pédagogique (Education in Chaos), Histoire des idées politiques dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, Histoire des idées politiques aux Temps modernes et contemporains (History of Political ideas), and Qu’est-ce que l’Occident? (What is the West ?) He has recently published La philosophie de Hayek, PUF 2023. In 2016, he founded the École professorale de Paris with six other academics, which he has since directed.