
Syed Kamall
Member of the House of Lords, Professor, Former MEP, Former British Minister
Syed Kamall is a Conservative Member of the House of Lords. He is also a Professor of Politics and International Relations at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
Jean-Claude Gruffat
Chairman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Jean-Claude Gruffat is Chairman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Saura Masconale
Professor of Law and Economics
Saura Masconale Professor of Law and Economicsat the University of Arizona
Simone Sepe
Professor of Law and Finance
Simone Sepe is Professor of Law and Finance at the University of Arizona
Bob Lyddon
Bob Lyddon is a Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services
Yorick de Mombynes
National Audit Magsitrate
Yorick de Mombynes is a magistrate at the French National Audit Office and a Bitcoin expert
Michael of Liechtenstein
Founder and chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Prince Michael of Lichtenstein is founder and chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services
David Schmidtz
Professor of Philosophy
David Schmidtz is Kendrick Professor of Philosophy in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.  He also is Eller Chair of Service-Dominant Logic in the Eller College of Management. He is editor-in-chief of Social Philosophy & Policy He was founding Head of the Department of Political Economy & Moral Science.
Victoria Curzon-Price
Professor of Economics
Victoria Curzon Price is a Professor Emerita of Economics of the University of Geneva. She was the Director of the European Institute of the University of Geneva, a member of the Governing Council of the University of Geneva (2003-2007). In addition she was a Deputy for the Parliament of the Canton of Geneva (2008-2009). She was President, then Vice-President & Board Member of the Mont Pelerin Society.
Jean-Philippe Delsol
Lawyer and Think Tank President
Jean-Philippe Delsol, who has a doctorate in law and a degree in literature, is a tax lawyer and president of the IREF (Institut de Recherches Economiques et Fiscales), a liberal think tank. He regularly publishes press articles and has written a dozen books, including, among the latest: Civilisation et libre arbitre (Civilization and free will), Desclée de Brouwer, 2022, and Eloge de l'Inégalité, (In Defense of Inequality) Manitoba/Les Belles Lettres, 2019 and L'injustice fiscale ou l'abus de biens communs, (Social Injustice and the Abuse of Common Goods) Desclée de Brouwer, 2016.