European Students For Liberty has announced that LibertyCon Europe 2020 will take place on March 6-8, 2020 in Madrid, Spain at the Fundación Pablo VI conference center.
LibertyCon Europe is an annual event bringing together members of the pro-liberty community together to discuss the ideas of free markets and individual liberty.
LibertyCon Europe has previously been hosted in Leuven, Berlin, Prague, and Belgrade during the last eight years, and in March 2020 we will be launching a new theme: Por Un Futuro Libre (For a Freer Future), covering crucial topics for the future of Spain such as immigration, sovereignty, housing, and the viability of the current welfare states.
In previous years, LibertyCon Europe hosted Prince Michael Von Liechtenstein, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Tom Palmer, David Friedman, Lawrence Reed, Deirdre McCloskey and many more experts across academia, politics, and the business world as keynote speakers. This year, Juan Ramón Rallo and other standout speakers will join LibertyCon Europe this year on stage.
“LibertyCon in Belgrade will always be one of my most memorable highlights of 2019. It was fun, professional, informative and inspirational. Making new friends and seeing old ones—all passionate for freedom and free markets—is a fantastic way to recharge your intellectual batteries. If you can go to Madrid for LibertyCon in 2020, do it!!”
– Lawrence W. Reed, President Emeritus, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE.org).
To learn more about the program and current ticket offers, please visit us at www.libertycon.net/register, and follow European Students For Liberty on Facebook and Twitter.
This post was originally published on Students For Liberty blog.