
Renaud Fillieule
Professor of Sociology
Daniela Piana
Professor of Political Science
Daniela Piana is a professor of political science since 2014 at the University of Bologna, Italy. She was Jean Monnet Fellow (EUI), Fulbright Fellow (UC Berkeley), and is associate at the Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice in Paris and at the Institute of social sciences of politics, ENS Paris Saclay. She coordinates "Just Europe", ICEDD Luiss, and collaborates with the School of Magistrates, the National Lawyers Association and the European Network for Judicial Training.
Nikolai Wenzel
Professor of Economics
Nikolai G. Wenzel is Professor of Economics at the online startup Universidad de las Hespérides and on the Senior Research Faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research.
Jean-Philippe Feldman
Lawyer and Professor
Jean-Philippe Feldman is a former associate professor of law, lecturer at Sciences Po and lawyer at the Paris Court. His latest book is "Exception française. Histoire d'une société bloquée de l'Ancien Régime à Emmanuel Macron" (The French exception - The History of an Inflexible Society from Ancient Regime to Emmanuel Macron) published by Editions Odile Jacob.
Nathalie Janson
Professor of Economics and Finance
Nathalie Janson is an Associate Professor of Economics in the Finance Department at NEOMA Business School. She obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Paris I-La Sorbonne in collaboration with the ESSEC PhD programme. She teaches courses in Economics, Money and Banking and Fintech Regulation in the initial training programmes in English Track. Her research focuses on monetary policy issues, banking regulation and crypto-currencies.
François Facchini
Professor of Economics
François Facchini is Professor of Economics at the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris. His two main areas of research are public finance and the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development. These themes are treated within the framework of neo-institutionalist doctrine and two of its currents: the Austrian school and public choice theory. His publications include L'école autrichienne de A à Z (Austrian Economics from A to Z) and more recently Les dépenses publiques en France (Public spending in France).
Erwan Queinnec
Professor of Management
Adam Bartha
Head of International Outreach and Executive Director
As Head of International Outreach, Adam oversees the IEA’s collaboration with our global partners to spread our publications in over 100 languages in every corner of the world. Adam also serves as the Director of EPICENTER, the leading free market network of think tanks in Europe. Adam has the responsibility to enable the cooperation of the network and organise the private and public events programme in Brussels.
Enrico Colombatto
Professor of Economics
Enrico Colombatto is Professor of economics at the University of Turin, Italy and director of Research et the Institut de Recherches Economiques et Fiscales (IREF) in Paris. he is the author of Law, Informal Rules and Economic Performance: The Case for Common Law (Edward Elgar) and editor of The Elgar Companion to the Economics of Property Rights.
Hicham El Moussaoui
Professor of Economics
Hicham El Moussaoui is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni-Mellal, Morocco. He specialises in incentives, cooperation, economic analysis of institutions, development and behavioural economics, and was responsible for the French-speaking project of the ATLAS Foundation www.libreafrique.org.