Summer University 2023

After 3 long years of absence, the Summer University in Aix-en-Provence was finally back with all its magic! Students from over 15 countries—including many IES alumni—gathered at the Law school of the sunny city to discuss the challenges and opportunities for advancing towards a society of free and responsible individuals. Thanks to our sponsors (that included IREF, Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, Epicenter, IEDM) we were able to help dozens of students to join the event. A fantastic panel of scholars helped us to reflect on the best ways to prevent crises and to react to a crisis whenever it hits us. If you could not attend create an account and check out the videos. And join us next year!

Event Details

Why join us in Aix-en-Provence for the 2023 Summer University in Political Economy? let us give you a taste!

As our societies seem to move from one crisis to another - private and public finance crises, military crises, environmental crises and, of course, Covid - the search for good crisis management will be at the centre of our discussions. Together we will examine recent history, the roles played by governments and experts, but also what has been the result of private initiative. Despite the many failures of centralised and state responses to these numerous crises, many are calling for a 'great reset' that would involve the establishment of a 'new order' largely dominated by national and supranational Leviathans. We will examine the chances of success of these proposals as well as those of other modes of management, more respectful of freedom, dignity and individual responsibility, notably through subsidiarity.

To this end, the summer university will bring together twenty eminent researchers in economics (such as Professor Mario Rizzo from New York University), philosophy (such as Professor David Schmidtz), history (such as Dr Steve Davies from The Institute of Economic Affairs in London), and law (such as Professor Jean-Philippe Feldman of the University of Rennes and Sciences Po). They will share their analyses with participants of all ages and backgrounds. All this, of course, in the sunny, informal and musical atmosphere of Aix-en-Provence.

The Summer University will open on Thursday 20 July with a dinner, followed by two full days of discussions, and will close with a gala dinner on Saturday 22 July.

The Summer University was regularly hosted by the city and university of Aix-en-Provence between 1978 and the late 2010s. It quickly established itself as the meeting place of choice for outstanding professors and participants from all over the world, all of whom share a real passion for the ideas of freedom and democracy. IES-Europe has been involved in the organisation of this gathering since 1989, helping students and young academics to join the event. In 2023, after several years of hiatus, IES-Europe and IREF are delighted to contribute to the renewal of this conference. The Center for the Philosophy of Freedom (University of Arizona) and Epicenter have joined us as partners.

IREF offers 25 scholarships of 150 euros for students to participate in the conference (the scholarship can be used to pay registration fees or for travel expenses). The scholarship is paid upon presentation of the transportation ticket to join the conference. Students who wish to apply for the scholarship should send a motivated letter (in French or in English) at: no later than May 30th.

For any question please email us at!

Thursday July 20

19:00 Welcoming cocktail
(Hotel Aquabella, 2 rue des étuves)

Welcoming speech by Prof. Pierre Garello
Dr. Jean-Philippe Delsol: "The crisis of Liberalism"
Keynote speech by H.S.H. Michael of Liechtenstein: "Necessity and benefits of Crises"


Friday July 21

8:30 : Coffee & Croissants
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Grand Hall.
(Plenary sessions with simultaneous translations)

9:00 - 9:10. Welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Jean-Baptiste Perrier.
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

9:10 - 10:30. Plenary session 1: A typology of crises and of their implications

Moderator: Pierre Garello (Aix-Marseille University, IES Europe)

- Steven Davies (Institute of Economic Affairs): "Global Catastrophic Risk and the Institutions of Liberty"
- Jean-Philippe Feldman (SciencePo Paris and ALEPS): "Hayek, epidemics and the Covid crisis management"
- Jean-Claude Gruffat (Competitive Enterprise Institute): "Financial crisis and regulatory overkill?"

10:30 - 11:00. Break

11:00 - 12:20. Plenary session 2: Environment and energy: crisis or evolution?
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Christian Nasulea (IES Europe, University of Bucharest)
- Erwan Queinnec (University Paris 13): "Reason, Undreason and Climate changes"
- Renaud Fillieule (University of Lille): "Ecological Economics".
- Gregory Rehmke (Economic Thinking): "The Energy Race: Innovations and Institutions for Cleaner, More Reliable and Affordable Energy"

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
(L'Escargot, 10 avenue Winston Churchill)

14:15 - 15:30. Parallel sessions 1 (English and French)

> How States have reacted to the Covid crisis (in English)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Pierre Bentata
- Daniel Dufort (Montréal Economic Institute): "The case of Québec"
- Christian Nasulea (University of Bucharest and IES Europe) : "A Romanian perspective"
- Gabriel Mursa (University of Iasi, Romania): "Covid Crisis, State and Inflation"

> Comment les Etats ont réagi à la crise du Covid (in French)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater Mirabeau (Ground floor)

Moderator: Elodie Messéant

- Nouh El Harmouzi (University of Kénitra et Centre Arabe pour la Recherche Economique): "Le cas du Maroc"
- Nicolas Lecaussin (Director of IREF): "Le cas de la France"
- Radu Nechita (Cluj Babej Boya University): "Une perspective roumaine"

15:45 - 17:00. Parallel sessions 2 (English and French)

> The role of experts in preventing and responding to crisis (in English)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Enrico Colombatto
- Sergio Beraldo (University of Napoli Federico II): "Experts and the 'as judged by themselves' principle"
- Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska (Warsaw school of economics): "Capitalism and Crisis: how to fix them"
- Elisabeth Krecké (Aix-Marseille University): "Expertise and complexity"

> Le rôle des experts pour prévenir les crises et réagir face à la crise (in French)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater Mirabeau (Ground floor)

Moderator: Nicolas Lecaussin

- François Facchini (Economiste, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): "L'ultime pouvoir, le monopole de la science"
- Daniela Piana (University of Bologna): "Liberté, égalité, expertise : le cas du numérique"
- Alain Mathieu (ALEPS): "Steven Koonin: parcours d'un expert atypique"

17:00 - 17:45. Keynote speech by Prof. David Schmidtz: "Purpose in crisis"
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

19:00 - 21:00 Cocktail at the City Hall
(Place de la Mairie, Aix-en-Provence)

Speeches by Prof. Em. Gérard Bramoullé, Vice-Mayor of the City of Aix-en-Provence, Dominique Augey, Deputy Mayor of the City of Aix-en-Provence
and Professor Em. Jacques Garello, founder of the Summer University


Saturday July 22

8:30 : Coffee & Croissants

(Plenary sessions with simultaneous translations)

9:00 - 10:20. Plenary session 3: Money and finance: from disorder to order
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Nathalie Janson (Neoma Business School)
- Nathalie Janson (NEOMA Business School) : "Does the longevity of fiat-monetary based system has to do with the financialization of the economy?"
- George Selgin (Cato Institute): "The Case for Fractional Reserve Banking"
- Antoine Gentier (Aix-Marseille University): "Perspectives on Inflation"
- Yorick de Mombynes (French National Audit Office): "Bitcoin: Which credibility?

10:20 - 11:00. Break

11:00 - 12:20. Plenary session 4: Crises, public finance and the crisis of public finance
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Adam Bartha (Epicenter)

- Henri Lepage: ""Global money," debt and public finances"
- Karl-Friedrich Israel (Saarland University in Saarbrücken): "Monetary expansion creates wealth inequalities"
- Bob Lyddon (Consultant): "InvestEU, Net Zero and the growing debt of EU citizens"

12:30 - 14:00. Lunch

14:15 - 15:30. Parallel sessions 3 (English and French)

> New technologies: threats and opportunities (in English)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Kerry Halferty Hardy
- Pierre Garello (Aix Marseille University and IES Europe) : "New Technologies and Competition as a Discovery Procedure"
- Philipp Dapprich (University of Postdam): "Cybersocialism and the future of the socialist calculation debate"
- Nikolai Wenzel (Fayetteville State University): "Big Data, Quantum Computing, and the Economic Calculation Debate: Will Roasted Cyberpigeons Fly into the Mouths of the Comrades?"

> Faut-il redouter les nouvelles technologies? (in French)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater Mirabeau (Ground floor)

Moderator: Nouh El Harmouzi
- Nathan Bonnet, Institut Sapiens: "IA et prise de parole en public"
- Daniil Gorbatenko (Center for Industrial Progress): "AI et liberté"
- Jean-Pierre Chamoux (Paris-Descartes University) : "Interdire la technique ? Une question purement réthorique"

15:45 - 17:00. Parallel sessions 4 (English and French)

> About cultural crisis (in English)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

Moderator: Emmanuel Martin
- Lord Syed Kamall (Former minister and MEP, Institute of Economic Affairs): "Welfare beyond the state: towards personal responsibility"
- Simone Sepe (University of Arizona) and Saura Mascalone (Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, Univ of Arizona): "Moral Capitalism, Ethical Shareholderism, Social Cohesion"
- Cathleen Johnson (University of West Virginia): “Time preferences are not income dependent: Evidence from the lab”

> Des crises culturelles (in French)
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater Mirabeau (Ground floor)

Moderator: Pierre Garello
- Jean-Philippe Delsol (IREF) : "Crise et nature humaine dans l’histoire et la littérature"
- Pierre Bentata (Aix-Marseille University): "Le malaise de la jeunesse occidentale"
- Philippe Nemo (ESCP Europe): "Culture littéraire et liberté : pourquoi elles ne peuvent se passer l’une de l'autre"

17:00 - 17:45. Keynote speech by Prof. Mario Rizzo (New York University): "The Antipaternalist psychology of William James"
Faculté de Droit, 3 avenue Schuman, Bâtiment Pouillon, Amphitheater David (2nd floor)

19:00 - 19:30. Bus departures

Speech by Anna Tymoshenko (Ukrainian Students for Freedom)

Paella & Music evening
Mas de Vaureilles, Puyricard

23:30 - 0:30. Bus returns.

For any question email us at:

Member of the House of Lords, Professor, Former MEP, Former British Minister
Institute of Economic Affairs
Political theorist
University of Postdam
Economic Thinking
Aix-Marseille University
Center for Industrial Progress
Aix Marseille University
Student & CEO of student organization
Ukrainian Students for Freedom
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania
Professor of Economics
Warsaw School of Economics
Professor of Economics
Saarland University in Saarbrücken
Chairman of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Professor of Law and Economics
University of Arizona
Professor of Law and Finance
University of Arizona
Lyddon Consulting Services
National Audit Magsitrate
Cours des Comptes
Founder and chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Director of think tank
Professor of Economics
University of West Virginia
Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona
Lawyer and Think Tank President
Professor of Economics
New York University
Think Tanker and Professor of Economics
Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra and The Arab Center for Scientific Research and Humane Studies
Head of Education, Professor of History
Institute of Economic Affairs
President and CEO
Montreal Economic Institute
Professor of Economics
Aix-Marseille University, France
Associate Professor of Economics
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Professor of Political and Social Philosophy
ESCP Europe
Associate Professor Economics
Aix-Marseille University
Economist and Essayist
Institut Turgot
Professor of Sociology
University of Lille
Professor of Political Science
University of Bologna
Professor of Economics
Universidad de las Hespérides and American Institute for Economic Research
Lawyer and Professor
Sciences Po Paris
Professor of Economics and Finance
NEOMA Business School
Professor of Economics
University of Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Professor of Management
University Paris 13, France
Head of International Outreach and Executive Director
Institute of Economic Affairs and Epicenter Network
Professor of Economics
University of Turin, Italy
Professor of Economics
University of Bucharest
Professor of Economics
Universite Aix-Marseille
Event Details